I can be pretty certain I will not be good about taking bump pictures and updating my pregnancy. It's worth a shot though. I combined weeks 11 and 12 (I'm currently in week 14 and I already missed week 13) Yep, that's me off to a really crappy start!
How Far Along: 11 Weeks!
Baby is the size of: Fig
Total weight gain: Not sure. Getting on the scale this Friday at my appointment. We shall see.
Sleep: Up a few times each night to pee. I've been up between 3-5. Once I wake up I can't fall back to sleep quickly.
Best Moment of the week: I told my side of the family on Father's Day.
Worst Moment of the week: I gag at everything and I mean EVERYTHING! It's awful!
Have you told Family and Friends: Told my family.
Miss Anything: I miss wine and sushi
Food Cravings: Nothing really. I eat when I can and what I can.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Coffee, the thought of it makes me want to throw up. Meat on the bone, and anything hot.
Have you started to show? Just a tiny bit but I feel HUGE.
Gender: Not yet.
Symptoms: I'm tired all the time, constant gagging, bloated. TMI!?!? Sorry, not sorry.
Workouts: Taking it easy still. Walking is about it.
Mood: I'm worried, all the time. I try not to stress about it but I worry. Hoping to hear the heartbeat this Friday.
Looking Forward to: Not feeling fat. I'd rather look pregnant.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet but I did put on my belly band yesterday.
Reading: I haven't had time to read anything. I get home from work, eat dinner and fall asleep before 8:30.
Milestones: Almost fully formed! Bones are beginning to harden and there is some movement although I can't feel anything yet.
How Far Along: 12 Weeks!
Baby is the size of: Plum
Total weight gain: 5 pounds on the scale last week but my doctor thinks its not all baby or bloat. I've been having issues but I'm positive you don't want to hear about all of that.
Sleep: Up a few times each night to pee. I've been sleeping a bit better this week.
Best Moment of the week: I heard the heartbeat. It was quick and fast but it was there.
Worst Moment of the week: I still gag at everything but things are going great.
Have you told Family and Friends: Told my family and friends but we are waiting till Brian's family is all together to tell them.
Miss Anything: I still miss wine and sushi!
Food Cravings: Give me SPICY!!! I've been craving nachos, guacamole and salsa.
Anything make you queasy or sick: The idea of anything hot makes me gag.
Have you started to show? Just a little. I think I just look fat.
Gender: Not sure if we are going to find out.
Symptoms: I'm tired all the time, constant gagging, and some other awful belly issues. Sorry, not sorry, again.
Workouts: Taking it easy still. Walking a bit more and some swimming.
Mood: I'm worried, all the time. I try not to stress about it but I worry. Hoping to hear the heartbeat this Friday.
Looking Forward to: Not feeling fat. I'd rather look pregnant.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet but I did put on my belly band yesterday.
Reading: I haven't had time to read anything. I get home from work, eat dinner and fall asleep before 8:30.
Milestones: Almost fully formed! Bones are beginning to harden and there is some movement although I can't feel anything yet.