

Monday, September 29, 2014

Hospital Tests and Family Day

Last week I mentioned receiving such great test results from Jack's most recent tests. We are all so thrilled and so thankful for all the amazing, supportive comments. I didn't however mention the day of his testing and our experience.

Our first experience back when Jack was only 2 weeks old was rough. We were stuck in the hospital in the middle of a blizzard. We sat and waited 4 hours after we had made an appointment. We were surrounded by very sick children and I cried for my family and them the entire time we were there. It was awful.

This time around the experience was completely different and so much better. I made the first appointment of the day and I made it on the 1st day of school in hopes it wouldn't be crowded. The traffic situation during rush hour was awful but getting in when we did with out a wait was so worth it. We had the most amazing staff working with us. Because we were the only people their she let us stay in the testing room instead of the weighting room. I was able to nurse Jack in privacy when he was hungry.  The sweat test takes a while and has several steps. Jack did awesome through it all. He also rocked his chest x-rays and getting his blood taken. He's such a little champ. We were done in less than 2 hours and we all left happy. 

 I knew after Jack's tests I wanted to have a family day and fill it with something Jack would enjoy. He deserved it! We took him to Bergen County Zoological Park and Van Saun Park. I had never been there before and was pleasantly surprised at how fantastic this place was! The little zoo was perfect and the park with a splash pad was a pleasant surprise.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fall is Finally Here

I am a lover of all things fall. I just love the Northeast during the fall. There are so many great things to do and festivals to attend. I can't wait to introduce Jack to my favorite time of year and so many great things. Brian and I met in the fall and were engaged in the fall too so I have many wonderful memories. This year is all about making new memories as a family of 3. I couldn't be more excited to share in all the excitement fall has to offer us this year. Everything is so different. Everything is better with Jack to share it with.

This is our Fall Bucket List. What is on your families this year?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Oh Hey Friday!

I'm so thankful for September Farm because I've found a new link up to be a part of. I've met so many of my favorite bloggers through link ups. Hello, Oh How Pinteresting!!! (I miss you) I'm happy to end the week with a new one. I'm hoping it will help me get into a blogging mood!It has been hard with a constantly moving baby! The best part is I can blog any anything! Plus Karli's blog is adorable and she's preggo so you know I love following a growing baby bump! 

1. First off I have the MOST AMAZING NEWS to share with you all. I feel like I have gotten such wonderful support since mentioning back in January that Jack was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. A few weeks ago we went for a repeat sweat test to measure the salt in Jack's sweat. This was done in January when he was only 2 weeks old. The salt levels in the sweat help to diagnose CF. His doctor wanted to do a repeat to see if Jack's levels reduced. It usually doesn't happen but Jack's doctors wanted to be sure due to the testing was done at such a young age. It is absolutely amazing but Jack's levels dropped!!!! He was on the lower end of the spectrum originally but now they are even lower and border NORMAL range! This basically says Jack will live a long life with only some lung issues.  It is safe to assume that Jack will not have any pancreas issues and will live a long life! We are beyond BLESSED. Thank you to all who thought of us and prayed or sent well wishes. We are all forever grateful to you. 

My HEALTHY, HAPPY little hunk! 

2. It's Octoberfest Weekend in NJ! I'm excited to take Jack for the first time and I'm even a little excited to get my hands on a some good German beer! It should be a fun time. 

3. One of my favorite blog buddies is getting married this weekend!!! I'm so excited for Meg and wish her all the best. Head over to her blog and wish her well. CONGRATS MEG! You are going to be a stunning bride. I hope your day is all you ever dreamed and more! 

4.  We are slowly but surely planning Jack's Baptism. It is less than a month away and I don't even have an outfit for him. I should probably order one. I also have no idea what food we will serve to our families and friends. I basically have the cake ordered (thanks to my mom) plates, cups and cutlery. It's much harder to plan a party with a little dude taking up all my attention. I used to care so much about party planning and now I just don't care as much. Jack takes up most if not all my time, hence why I blog once every few weeks but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being his mommy. 

5. It will really feel like fall this weekend in New Jersey. I have been so excited to break out some awesome fall clothes. Bring them on! I love me some sweaters, scarves and boots! It sounds silly but I literally wore out my last pair of riding boots and some of the other boots I have don't really fit as nicely as they did pregnancy. Plus, I'm worried about wearing heals while carrying Jack. I was psyched to see French Blu boots for 55% off of Zulily yesterday. I picked up these beauties! 


Happy Friday everyone! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Peace, Quiet and Things I'm Loving

It's a strange morning considering Brian already took Jack down to my mother in law's for the day. I almost don't know what to do with myself. I should probably sleep because Jack doesn't really let me do that anymore. I pumped, already ate breakfast and it isn't even 7:30 yet! I miss my little guy but I really don't mind one morning of peace and quiet!

So while I'm loving the peace and quiet here are some other things I'm in love with:

Lush Products-

Lush makes handmade cosmetics. They are animal friendly as well. My favorites are the face masks and the bath bombs. I love the baby bath bombs for Jack. His little body always feels so soft after his Lush baths. I am currently using the Ayesha Mask for filling in wrinkles and  I'm also using the Sacred Truth Mask for brightening my skin. I love the papaya and green tea mixed in. This one smells so good I swear it could be edible. I've also been using their soaps. The staff fresh cut them in store for you based on the amount you want to spend. They are so worth it. The Sexy Peel Lemon soap is my favorite. 


Nutri Bullet- 

This blender has been a life saver. I swear I would never eat anything for breakfast if I didn't have it! I love easy clean up. I've been making shakes of all kinds but my favorite is still peanut butter and banana. 


I'm obsessed. I'm absolutely loving all the adorable children's holiday stuff but I'm sure my wallet doesn't. I can't take the adorable holiday apparel! This is just one of the ones Jack will be rocking this December. I'm hoping for a Baby's 1st Christmas pajama set soon. I can't seem to find them anywhere. 

Bath And Body Works Fall Scents- 

These smell incredible. My favorite is the Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin but all the new fall scents smell delicious. 

Fall Weather is Here-

I'm so excited for the fall weather! I'm breaking out all of my favorite scarves, sweaters and boots! My favorite season has always been fall! It's been chilly in NJ the last few days so I've already started pulling the goods out. Plus, I love sweaters and scarves because they hide all of my post pregnancy pounds. Plus, pumpkin spice everything!!!!! 

What are some of the things you have been loving lately? 

Moms; Have you been able to find any Baby's 1st Christmas pajamas? 

Happy Monday! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Jack- 8 Months Old

Weight and Height- 
Last appointment he was15.14 but that was 2 months ago. He has been eating solids like a beast and has packed on some weight from looking at the way his clothes fit. 

Jack continues to go back to his group of specialists. We continue his nebulizer and percussion therapies 2 times a day.  He is feeling good lately! You would never even know he has cystic fibrosis. He went through blood work, another sweat test and chest x-rays last week. We are hoping all the results are great. 

Jack hasn't gotten into a pattern yet. One week he will be up 3 times a night and the next week he will be sleeping for 6+ hours. We are still waking up a few times a night. I'm so tired!

Jack barely cries.He is such a happy little boy but has become whiny! He still cries in the car and if I'm not feeding him quick enough. 

I call it his Trump comb over but its growing in. It's such a beautiful. blonde color. 

A gray Blue!

Jack is wearing 6 months. He also fits into some 9 month stuff but most of it is still;l big. 

Jack finally loves solid foods. I've realized his trouble with eating solids was a sensitive gag reflex. Once I realized that was the case i fed him differently. He loves bananas, peaches, squash and plums. I've made all of his food so far but I have also purchased some organic pouches of foods that are difficult  to find like pumpkin. He loves the consistency of them too. Making our own food is like another job but its really worth it!

We have one down. Most days start at 5am. We begin with this treatments and follow that up with a feeding. Our nights usually contain another treatment after his last feeding when he's asleep. 

He is so incredibly happy and friendly. He is such a flirt its crazy! He smiles at any pretty girl. He loves watching older kids play. He squeals with excitement when he sees kids or dogs. Jack reacts to people he is familiar with and its usually a huge smile. He is now interested in his cousins and smiles at them when they play. He is so friendly with my best friend's little boy. They laugh and smile all the time when they are together. He has started saying "mama" when reaching for me or getting my attention. I adore it!

Standing like a big boy.
Crawling like a mad man
He LOVES being in the water to swim and take baths. 
Jack love dogs. He gets so excited when he sees any dog. 
He loves pretty girls too. He is very flirtatious. 
Jack loves to imitate others. He will cough and giggle when he hears others. 
He is obsessed with phones, iPads and remote controls. 
Jack loves his Fisher Price musical push toy and his peek a boo stuffed animal. 
He loves listening to me sing and act silly. 
His Daniel Tiger stuffed animal is his favorite.
Family- He loves his grandmas and grandpas. He always smiles at mommy and laughs when daddy makes funny faces. 
Cartoons especially Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 

Laying down for diaper changes
Car rides
Being told no
Being in a different room than his mom and dad

This mom is tired. I feel like I haven't slept in so long.. I'm happy. I just love being a mommy! I still have working mommy guilt but it has gotten a little better. It still sucks! I played softball with friends last weekend and it felt good to do something for me. It was great to have my little man cheering me on. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


 I've been so out of the loop lately. The last 2 weeks in August are usually my busy time at work so that has been eating up tons of my time. I have read many blogs but I'm trying to catch up on my faves. I haven't written much either.  I've got lots of ideas in my head and a ton of half written blog posts in my draft folder. I've got to get back into a groove.  I swear I have no clue how mom's blog! So this is my "Life in a Nutshell" post.

-Jack is going to be 8 months old this week! Let that sink in for as minute!

- I'm planning Jack's Baptism. I'm having a difficult time finding a nice outfit for Jack. I just want something cute and simple.

- I've been suffering from Mastitis and it sucks big time. It's rurally painful and has had a negative effect on my supply plus it hurts! I feel like I have the flu.

- Jack is back to waking up a lot at night. Just when I think I have him figured out he changes it up. This momma is TIRED!

-We are going to Jack for some tests this week. Due to his cystic fibrosis he will get these tests annually. We are hoping for the results of his sweat test to decrease. If they do Jack will be on the very low end of the illness spectrum. We all know that would be awesome so positive thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.   

-Jack is on the move!!! He is all over the place. He's crawling and pulling up on everything. We have had to lower his crib because I found him standing up in his crib 3am. We are baby proofing like crazy.

-  I'm always so depressed on Labor Day. Our pool closes up and I realize I won't have another holiday off until Thanksgiving!!! Ugh, but I do love the fall. So cheers to the fall, apple picking, pumpkin harvest, pumpkin spice coffee, fall softball, Jack's 1st Halloween, boots and sweater weather.